Elizabeth had a small team of hand-picked advisers called the Privy Council. She encouraged them to speak their mind but this could sometimes be dangerous. She once threw a shoe at one adviser and punched another on the ear!
Like many monarchs, Elizabeth faced serious problems over marriage and religion. Imagine you are one of Elizabeth's Privy Councillors.
1 List some reasons why Elizabeth should marry Philip.
2 List some reasons why she should not marry him.
3 Write down what you would advise her to do.
ここに挙げたごく短い文章の中にも、確認しておきたい文法事項がいろいろ含まれていますね。encourage、 advise は「動詞 + 目的語 to do」の形で使う動詞であること、punched on the ear の the の用法、marry は他動詞で、直後に目的語を取ること、最後の文中の would の用法... これらも一緒に勉強していきます。